Legal notices

This page sets out our association's policies regarding copyright, access rights to computer data, liability waivers, and licensing of usage rights.

Website editor

The publication of the website  is assured by the association “Le Monde des Bonobos” (henceforth abbreviated to “MdB”), a non-profit organisation under the 1901 French Law of Associations registered in the Yvelines region under the SIRET number 878 362 144 00015, with its head office at 14 avenue Carnot, 78290, Croissy-sur-Seine, France, email address:

Website Host

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France.
08 203 203 63 n° indigo (0,118 €/min)

Design, development, and graphic design by the PULSAR Agency.


In accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code (Code français de la Propriété Intellectuelle) and the international treaties and agreements that contain provisions relating to the protection of copyright, you are prohibited from reproducing, for any use other than private, and from selling, distributing, issuing, broadcasting, adapting, modifying, publishing, or communicating in any way, in whole or in part, the data, presentation, or structure of the site without prior written consent from the association “MdB”.

Liability waiver and restrictions of use

While we have made every effort to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this website, the association “MdB” cannot incur any liability for errors, omissions, or results that could follow from the use of this information.

“MdB” is only bound by an obligation of means concerning the information it makes available to people who access its website.

Furthermore, the use of hyperlinks may lead you from our website to other servers over which the association “MdB” has no control.

The use of information, documents, articles, and photographs published on the “MdB” website is granted to visitors of the site on a private and non-collective basis.

This right of use is personal and non-transferable. It includes storage for the purpose of representation on a single screen, backup copies, and printing on paper for personal use.

Any other use is strictly forbidden without prior and express authorisation from the association “MdB”. This prohibition therefore covers reproduction, even partial, for collective use in any form whatsoever.

CNIL (French Data Protection Agency: Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertés) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Legal Framework

"The information collected is subject to computer processing for the treatment of your request. The recipient of the data is the site editor. In accordance with the French Law on Computer Technology and Data Protection (La Loi Informatique et Libertés) dated 6th January 1978, modified in 2004 and in 2018 by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting the site editor. You can also, on legitimate grounds, oppose the processing of data that directly concerns you.”

1.   Personal data

Personal data collected from members and contributors on the website are intended for the exclusive use of the “MdB” association and any contractors whose services it may require.

The corresponding files are exempt from declaration to the CNIL under the terms of exemptions 7 “Non-commercial communication files” and 8 “Associations: Management of members and donors” (former simplified standard n° 15 and 23).

The right of access, rectification, and deletion of this personal data can be exercised by contacting the secretary of the association by email at or by post to its headquarters at 14 avenue Carnot, 78290, Croissy sur Seine, in accordance with the provisions of the French Law 78-17 on Computer Technology and Data Protection (La Loi Informatique et Libertés) dated 6th January 1978.

2.   Use of Cookies

One or more cookies (small text files) may be installed on your computer's hard drive during you visit to our website. These cookies are used to ensure global browsing functions properly and to personalise your access to all or parts of our website. You may choose to disable the cookies at any point during your visit to our website by using the toolbar on your browser. Cookies will be deleted once you have finished browsing the site. You are informed that the use of our website, as well as any associated services, may be disrupted or even completely disabled if and when cookies are disabled. The retention period of consent for cookies has a validity limit of 13 months.

The obligatory and express consent of the User for any services used on the website such as Google Analytics, Adsense, Adwords, social network sharing, etc. has no validity limit.

3.   Forms and personal data

The forms on this site that request personal information from the User (such as location, email, telephone number, date of birth, etc.) that will be stored in its database require the User's express consent and have no validity time limit. The data collected in these forms can be retained for a maximum of 3 years after the end of the relationship between the structure and the User. At the end of this period, all personal data will be deleted from the site.

4.   Newsletter Subscription

Subscription to mailing lists to receive the newsletter is subject to the same rules of express consent. All data is kept until the User unsubscribes. An unsubscribe link can be found in every newsletter that is sent. In order to better serve our subscribers, campaign tracking statistics allow us to know if a particular subscriber has opened or clicked on a particular link.

Access and portability of personal data

You can at any time request to consult or delete your personal data: either through our contact form or by email to

You will receive a data export in Excel format.

Intellectual property

Any reproduction or representation, even in part, whatever the medium, of articles, press releases, studies, and more generally of documents, images, and videos present on the site is subject to the express prior agreement of the “MdB” association, owner of the site

The presentation and graphics of the site, the associated databases, and the data processing are the exclusive property of the “MdB” association. As a whole they constitute a specific work protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code (Code français de la Propriété Intellectuelle).

External links

Links to this website are subject to the agreement of the association “MdB”.

Links from this website are provided for information purposes only. The association “MdB” cannot be held responsible for the content of recipient websites or website pages and their compliance with the laws and regulations in force.

Form validation

In connecting to and navigating on the website, the User implies the complete acceptance and respect, without reserve, of the legal notices stated here.