Articles scientifiques

Human proximity and habitat fragmentation are key drivers of the rangewide bonobo distribution

Auteurs:Hickey, Jena R. ; Nackoney, Janet; Nibbelink, Nathan P.; Blake, Stephen; Bonyenge; Aime; Coxe, Sally; Dupain, Jef; Emetshu, Maurice; Furuichi, Takeshi; Grossmann, Falk; Guislain, Patrick; Hart, John; Hashimoto, Chie; Ikembelo, Bernard; Ilambu, Omari; Inogwabini, Bila-Isia; Liengola, Innocent; Lokasola, Albert Lotana; Lushimba, Alain; Maisels, Fiona; Masselink, Joel; Mbenzo, Valentin; Mulavwa, Norbert Mbangia; Naky, Pascal; Ndunda, Nicolas Mwanza; Nkumu Pele; Omasombo, Valentin; Edwards Reinartz, Gay; Rose, Robert; Sakamaki, Tetsuya; Strindberg, Samantha; Takemoto, Hiroyuki; Vosper, Ashley; Kühl, Hjalmar S. Année de publication:2013 Date de publication:2013